Vol. 75/No. 13 April 4, 2011
Protests widen for ouster of Yemeni dictator |
Above is one of the almost daily demonstrations in Yemen demanding the ouster of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has ruled since 1978. Washington has been a firm backer of Saleh and has been expanding its military role in the country as part its campaign against al-Qaeda forces throughout the region. One U.S. cruise missile attack in Yemen last year killed 40 civilians. The dictator ordered troops and snipers to fire on a peaceful protest of tens of thousands in the capital Sanaa, March 18, killing 52 people. Saleh then imposed a state of emergency. On March 23 the commander of the armys 1st Armored Division, Maj. Gen. Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, joined the opposition along with at least 18 other top military officers. CINDY JAQUITH Related articles: Stop assault on Libya! Washington, London, Paris launch air strikes Workers stake in opposing attacks Front page (for this issue) | Home | Text-version home |