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Vol. 75/No. 13      April 4, 2011

Protests widen for ouster
of Yemeni dictator

Above is one of the almost daily demonstrations in Yemen demanding the ouster of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who has ruled since 1978. Washington has been a firm backer of Saleh and has been expanding its military role in the country as part its campaign against al-Qaeda forces throughout the region. One U.S. cruise missile attack in Yemen last year killed 40 civilians.

The dictator ordered troops and snipers to fire on a peaceful protest of tens of thousands in the capital Sanaa, March 18, killing 52 people. Saleh then imposed a state of emergency. On March 23 the commander of the army’s 1st Armored Division, Maj. Gen. Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, joined the opposition along with at least 18 other top military officers.


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