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Vol. 75/No. 14      April 11, 2011

Join April 4 labor rallies!

Striking workers at U.S. Tsubaki in Sandusky, Ohio, are looking forward to an April 4 rally there called by their union, International Association of Machinists Local 2159. The action is one of more than 100 labor events scheduled nationally in response to a call by the AFL-CIO for April 4 “We Are One” actions to commemorate the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King and “stand in solidarity with working people in Wisconsin and dozens of other states.”

The U.S. Tsubaki workers have been on strike since January 31, after voting down a contract that provided no raise in the first year, an insulting 0.5 percent in the second year, deductibles as high as $500, and increased doctor copays. The company has brought in strikebreakers.

Other April 4 events are planned for Cincinnati, Columbus, and elsewhere in Ohio, where the legislature is poised to adopt an antiunion bill that abolishes collective bargaining by public employees except on wages.

Local 48G of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers union in Keokuk, Iowa, is planning an event that day.

To find out about other rallies, contact unions in your area. We urge our readers to send in reports and photos from the events you take part in.


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