Vol. 75/No. 18 May 9, 2011
In the May 2 federal elections in Canada, the Communist League is the only campaign defending working people in face of the deepening capitalist crisis and opposing Ottawa’s participation in imperialism’s wars from Afghanistan to Libya.
Joseph Young is the Communist League candidate for parliament in the Papineau riding in Montreal. We urge readers in that constituency to vote for Young, and for working people across Canada and elsewhere to support the international working-class course the CL is campaigning for. Helping to sell subscriptions to the Militant is one good way to do that.
Young and other Communist League campaigners are building solidarity with working people in the United States who are mobilizing to defend their living standards, political rights, and unions. The CL campaign joins in actions supporting workers rebelling against capitalist tyrannies in North Africa and the Middle East; locked-out steelworkers in Hamilton, Ontario, defending pensions; and unionists at Air Canada defending wages and benefits.
All the other parties—the governing Conservatives, Liberals, New Democratic Party (NDP), Quebec-based Bloc Quebecois, and Greens—defend the capitalist system that is devastating the lives of working people. The NDP—a party tied to the union officialdom, whose jump in preelection opinion polls is surprising bourgeois public opinion—is no exception. When the NDP governed in Ontario in the early 1990s, to cite just one example, it carried out wage cuts and other attacks on government workers.
We urge readers to reject the union officialdom’s call for workers to vote for “Anybody but Harper”—the Conservative prime minister. The union and NDP tops hope to replace Stephen Harper’s cabinet with another imperialist government composed of some combination of the Liberals, NDP, and BQ.
The Communist League is campaigning on a working-class platform of what they are for, not who they are against.
As part of the capitalist disaster for working people worldwide, the CL explains, hundreds of thousands in Canada are without work and jobless benefits. Growing numbers are forced to work for “temp” agencies at minimum wage with no job security. Gas and food prices are rising, while workers’ wages fall. Health care is deteriorating, with millions having no family doctor. Taxes and fees are a growing burden on working people. Intrusion by the capitalist government in workers’ lives expands on every front.
Working people in Canada need to build a revolutionary movement of millions of workers and farmers to take power out of the hands of the ruling capitalist families. Only along that revolutionary road, explains the Communist League candidate, can working people in Canada bring to power their own government—one they can use to advance the struggle against class exploitation, racism and national oppression of all kinds, the second-class status of women, and imperialist militarism and war.
Solidarity with workers and farmers in struggle across Canada, North America, and around the world!
Support the Communist League campaign!
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