Vol. 75/No. 18 May 9, 2011
The U.S. government deported 27 Haitians in January, the first group since the suspension. The second group, 19 Haitians, was deported the day of the protest.
Among those deported in January was Lyglenson Lemorin, 36, a 24-year legal resident of the United States. He was framed up by the government on “terrorism” charges along with six others, known as the Liberty City 7. Lemorin was found not guilty of all charges in federal court. After his trial he was imprisoned by immigration authorities, convicted by an immigration judge for the same “terrorism” charge, and deported.
Lemorin’s son, Lukenson, was killed in an automobile accident in South Florida on April 1. ICE officials refused to allow Lemorin to attend the funeral in Miami.
One of those deported to Haiti with Lemorin died a few days later in a Haitian jail of cholera-like symptoms.
Last year’s earthquake destroyed Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince, resulting in mass homelessness. The resulting squalid conditions led to a cholera epidemic.
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