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Vol. 75/No. 18      May 9, 2011

U.S. troops out of Korea and the Pacific!

The following is a message to Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea, from Steve Clark on behalf of the National Committee of the Socialist Workers Party. The message was sent to mark the April 15 national holiday in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

The Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialists send internationalist greetings on the occasion of your April 15 national holiday. We pledge our ongoing solidarity with the Korean people’s struggle to reunify your country after sixty-six years of imperialist-imposed division.

As US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton prepares to visit South Korea later this month, Washington is conducting its annual Foal Eagle joint military exercises with Seoul. This nuclear saber-rattling is an affront to the national sovereignty of the Korean people—one that this year is taking place as a US-organized “coalition” approaches its fourth week of air strikes and “special forces” ground operations in Libya. Like the partition of Korea, the assault on Libya is being carried out under the fig leaf of a United Nations resolution.

Here in the United States in recent months and weeks, working people have mobilized in Wisconsin, Ohio, and other states to express solidarity in response to stepped-up union-busting attacks by the capitalists and their governments. These actions mark the first resistance of this kind and scale by the working class and unions in this country since the acceleration of the world capitalist crisis in 2007.

At the same time, workers, farmers, and youth in one country after another across North Africa and the Middle East are standing up against capitalist tyrannies and demanding fundamental political liberties and the right to organize and act to combat joblessness, rising food prices, and other attacks on their living and job conditions.

It is among working people like these, in the United States and worldwide, that the Korean people will find support and solidarity for your fight for national unity and sovereignty.

U.S. troops out of Korea and the Pacific!

Korea is one!
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U.S. military exercises aimed at North Korea  
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