Vol. 75/No. 18 May 9, 2011
Musselman is one of two members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 7-669 from Metropolis, Illinois, who visited here April 21. He spoke to Steelworkers from Local 10-1 in Linden, Pennsylvania, the last stop in a tour of six union locals in the region with coworker Brad Hunt to build support for their fight against Honeywell’s union-busting lockout at its Metropolis uranium enrichment plant.
Honeywell locked out the workers after they voted down the company’s “last, best, final offer” in June 2010. The union members have been picketing the plant ever since. The company is demanding elimination of seniority and retiree medical benefits, pension cuts, and a wage reduction of 10 percent over three years.
The two “road warriors,” as they call themselves, received a “substantial donation” from a union local in Pittsburgh, Musselman said. Their second stop was a “thank you visit” with members of USW Local 12698 who work at Honeywell’s Delaware plant. The local there has supported the fight against their employer for some time, said Hunt.
Local 10-901 in Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania, organized a “bucket drop,” a plant gate collection where members could donate on their way in and out of work. Local 10-1 in Philadelphia voted to donate $500 monthly.
“We’re in a heck of a fight, but we’re gonna win,” said Musselman. “We’ve lost a little bit of money, but what we’ve learned about unions is priceless. Our strategy is to last one day longer” than the company.
Several other locked-out workers from Metropolis traveled to Morristown, New Jersey, where union supporters protested outside Honeywell’s April 25 shareholders’ meeting.
Invitations for “Road Warrior” tours can be sent to USW Local 7-669, PO Box 601, Metropolis, IL 62960. Call (618) 524-7474. Email lockouthelp@usw7-669.com. Donations are payable to USW Local 7-669.
Mitchel Rosenberg is a member of USW Local 10-1 at the Sunoco refinery in Philadelphia.
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