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Vol. 75/No. 19      May 16, 2011

Militant Fighting Fund wins
contributions from subscribers
“Friends, I wish it were more, but I’ve been laid off for a year and a half. Things are getting tight. How ‘bout this though: “Brothers and Sisters: Read the Militant. (My best advice is as simple as that.) It’s your duty to learn, and you’re not going to find this information anywhere else.”—Tommy Thompson, Carpenters Local #225.

The note above was included with a contribution to the Militant Fighting Fund. The Militant depends on contributions, big and small, from readers who see its value as a tool in the struggles of working people. This year’s annual fund drive aims to raise $116,000 by May 30.

An important aspect of the effort is reaching out to supporters of the paper who haven’t contributed before.

“Enclosed you will find my cheque for $50. I support your socio-economic mission,” wrote long-term reader Georges Germain from Canada. “Once read at home, I mail the paper to my brother-in-law in Saulte Ste-Marie, Ontario. A former union member at Algoma Steel for 42 years, he reads them and passes them on to an active union steward at the plant… . I wish you success in the fund-raising campaign.”

“The presentation opened up new ideas for me on how to change society and I want to get more involved,” said Sara Thiessen at an April 30 Militant Fighting Fund event in Seattle. She recently got her first copy of the Militant at a Students of Color conference in Yakima, Washington. The featured speaker at the meeting was Paul Mailhot, the paper’s circulation director. Participants contributed $1,245 and raised $275 in new pledges.

A total of $34,857 has been sent from Militant supporters worldwide, with five weeks left to go.
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'Militant' Fighting Fund (chart)  
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