Vol. 75/No. 23 June 13, 2011
The clinic’s director immediately announced the determination of her staff to continue providing abortion services to women. Within hours, they were set up again, sharing the facilities of another clinic, the Toledo Medical Services.
The response from local supporters of abortion rights was swift. A newly formed coalition, Responsible Choice-Northwest Ohio, has called a rally June 26 to mobilize support for abortion rights and to demand the investigation, arrest, and prosecution of those responsible for the attacks.
June 12, 1961
NEW YORK, June 6—Yesterday’s five to four Supreme Court rulings requiring the Communist Party to register under the McCarran Act and upholding the “membership” clause of the Smith Act are the most dangerous legal blows yet delivered to the political freedom of the American people. For the first time in this country, a political party has for all practical purposes been outlawed. Sweeping new latitude has been given for the criminal prosecution of holders of dissident ideas.
The rulings were denounced as “a savage attack on the Bill of Rights” by the Socialist Workers Party in a statement here today. “These cruel and unconstitutional rulings are a culmination of 20 years of cold war against domestic civil liberties.”
June 6, 1936
The Socialist Party today is no longer what it was under the domination of the Old Guard. Into its ranks have entered a new generation of class-conscious militants, inspired by the spirit of the class struggle. The Workers Party, formed to advance the interests of revolutionary internationalism, cannot stand apart from this movement.
The National Committee of the Workers Party decides to dissolve the Workers Party as a separate organization and calls upon all its members to enter the ranks of the Socialist Party of America. We enter the Socialist Party as we are, with our ideas.
With our entry into the Socialist Party the press of the Workers Party suspends publication. The editorial staff will contribute to the Socialist Party press.
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