Vol. 75/No. 23 June 13, 2011
Partisans of the paper in Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Australia, and France have already well surpassed their goals. “When it became clear that we would reach our goal of $300 we sent out a second appeal to give another boost to the drive,” wrote Nat London from Paris. “As a result three contributors raised their pledges. An autoworker originally from Mauritania gave to the fund for the first time.”
Checks are in the mail from cities across the United States where Militant supporters have just completed a final push to meet or exceed their local quotas. Those contributions will be counted when they arrive in the Militant office. To allow adequate time for postal delivery, money received by June 6 will be included in the last scoreboard. These final results will be printed in the next issue of the Militant, which will be mailed out June 23.
This year’s fund-raising effort is marked by a notable increase in new contributors compared to recent years—the result of increased responsiveness among workers hammered by three years of capitalist crisis to a paper published in their interests. A number of areas made a concerted effort to win new contributors and developed political relationships with Militant readers in the process.
Militant supporters in Twin Cities, Minnesota, are among those reaching out for new contributors. “We recently made a trip to Wisconsin to follow up with recent subscribers there and win new readers,” said Frank Forrestal. “In Rice Lake we visited Robert Jensen, who has a one-year subscription to the paper. He said he likes the Militant and passes it on to his friends. He had just finished reading Capitalism’s World Disorder: Working-Class Politics at the Millennium by Jack Barnes. A couple days after our visit he sent us a $25 contribution to the Militant Fighting Fund.”
Related articles:
'Militant' Fighting Fund (week 7) [chart]
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