Vol. 75/No. 23 June 13, 2011
MANCHESTER, England—The Manchester branch of the Communist League in the United Kingdom celebrated the opening of its new hall May 28. Some 20 participants heard presentations by league leaders Jonathan Silberman and Pete Clifford, which were followed by discussion. Attendees included three new Militant subscribers and a number of workers who volunteered to help construct the hall. “The opening of this center couldn’t have come at a better time,” said Silberman. “It coincides with increased responsiveness among broad layers of working people deeply impacted by three years of the capitalist crisis.” Clifford talked about experiences selling the Militant door to door in working-class neighborhoods in the city, where volunteers sold 21 subscriptions in the last 10 days. “One woman said, ‘I’ll tell you bluntly, there are too many immigrants.’ Following some sharp debate on the question in which we explained the need to fight for legalization for all undocumented immigrants as part of defending the unity and fighting capacity of the working class, she decided to subscribe to the paper. ‘I’m telling you bluntly, we need a revolution!’ she said.”
Having already achieved its quota of 35 subscriptions, the Manchester branch decided to raise the local goal to 45, the second increase during the six-week drive. The branch in London increased its quota, for the third time, from 100 to 120.
—Caroline Bellamy