Vol. 75/No. 30 August 22, 2011
Since the state of emergency was imposed June 12, nearly 250 people have been killed, the bulk of them Blacks shot down by police or right-wing vigilante squads. This has brought the death toll over the past two years to more than 2,200.
Since mid-July, several hundred thousand Black primary and secondary schools students have been boycotting classes.
August 21 & 28, 1961
President Kennedy and his Pentagon advisors are callously stoking the fire under the international powder keg of Berlin. They are deliberately risking the outbreak of World War III and the nuclear devastation which would result.
They are trying to sell people the idea that it is reasonable and patriotic to accept the prospect of general atomic war and the basements of city buildings, with a little preparation and a supply of food, can save a majority of Americans from nuclear destruction.
Kennedy called for a $3.5 billion increase in military outlay. This was his third upward revision of the arms budget in a half-year in office.
December 12, 1936
On August 20 this year the entire wholesale grocery section of Local 544 was forced out on strike by the refusal of grocery bosses to meet with the union. The Citizens Alliance had decided to have a show-down with the chief force that threatens its power in this state. For forty-eight days running, the usual boss’ devices were brought into play. But all to no avail.
On Oct. 7 the grocery bosses completely capitulated, granting union recognition, seniority, a shorter work week and approximately a 20 percent increase in wages. And in the process, the employer-employee board, that graveyard of strikes, was blown sky-high.
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