Vol. 75/No. 35 October 3, 2011
News articles
Sugar workers fight wins growing support
1,300 stand strong against American Crystal
Legal lynching of Troy Davis is message to working class
Europe bank panic rooted in crisis of production
Join intl campaign to expand readership of workers paper!
Judge denies return to Cuba for 1 of Cuban 5 after his release
Cuban revolutionary fights double life sentence in U.S.
Received incompetent defense, appeals for new trial
Ga. rulers kill Troy Davis despite protests, evidence
Chicago forum discusses Midwest workers struggles
We wont go away say NY Boathouse strikers
(photo box)
Broadening out solidarity for sugar workers
Eva Chertov: 50 years in the fight for socialism
On the Picket Line
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Four workers killed in coal mine flood in United Kingdom
Miami meeting defends Cuban Five
(photo box)
Stockbreeding and agriculture led to civilization
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