Vol. 75/No. 37 October 17, 2011
News articles
White House openly targets, kills US citizen in Yemen
N. Dakota: aid pours in for locked-out sugar workers
Solidarity spreads-from Tampa to Tanzania
Greek rulers prepare yet another round of austerity
Find, join working-class fights through Militant campaign
Boathouse Restaurant strikers in NY win big victory
Youth, workers protest Wall Street, economic crisis
(photo box)
The fight for a democratic secular Palestine
Report reveals profit drive behind NZ miners deaths
Abortion rights supporters rally in Harrisburg, Pa.
(photo box)
UK: 5 miners killed in September
Wash. rally backs longshore workers union battle
Thousands turn out for Troy Davis funeral
Frame-up of Cuban Five has resonance in New Zealand
Unionists in Iowa answer American Crystal smears
Socialist Workers Party begins fund drive
On the Picket Line
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Experiment in Guatemala infected 1,300 with diseases
Report exposes secret US project in 1940s
Suit charges children exposed to lead for study
Che: Need to practice solidarity to build a new Cuba
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