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Vol. 75/No. 39      October 31, 2011


Prisoner wants ‘Militant’
I am a 25-year-old prisoner at Florida State Prison. A friend of mine gave me the Aug. 1, 2011, edition of the Militant. I read it and enjoyed a lot of the articles. My friend told me you might allow me to have a free subscription if I write and ask. I do not have any money or family that might purchase a subscription for me.

A prisoner

Editor’s note—The prisoner was given a free six-month subscription. (See ad).

Keep writing in-depth analysis
I’m very happy to see the articles in this week’s Militant linking Occupy Wall Street to the crisis of capitalism. Please keep writing in-depth economic analysis, which is only possible by revolutionaries.

Judy Cuttler
New York, New York

Missing something?
I went on the Militant website, expecting to see on the front page the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Occupy people from around the country and the world revolution going on.

The front page has a thousand sugar beet workers! Are you kidding me? This is it…. The revolution is coming about. I sure hope the Militant doesn’t sleep through it.

Jimi Bowers
Las Vegas, Nevada
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