Vol. 75/No. 46 December 19, 2011
News articles
Rulers of US, UK tighten imperialists noose on Iran
Ohio Steelworkers fight lockout by Cooper Tire
Reject bosses concession contract
Berlin seeks control over indebted EU governments
Dozens of unions organize rally to support locked-out sugar workers
Minn. art exhibit by Cuban 5 prisoner wins support for case
2 million public workers join 1-day strike in U.K.
New Zealand: Locked-out meat workers win support
California university students protest tuition hikes
Shut out of terminal, ILWU prepares protest of first ship
Clintons visit to Myanmar aimed at countering China
Anti-Syria sanctions part of campaign against Iran
On the Picket Line
25, 50 and 75 years ago
U.S. Embassy protest in London: Free Cuban 5!
As women, we wanted to earn the right to fight
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