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Vol. 76/No. 3      January 23, 2012

25, 50 and 75 years ago

January 23, 1987

CUDAHY, Wis.—Patrick Cudahy Inc. has announced that it has begun hiring scabs to try to break a strike by 850 meat-packers at its plant here.

Members of United Food and Commercial Workers union Local P40 were forced on strike January 3 after overwhelmingly rejecting a Cudahy contract proposal that would have cut wages from $1 to $3 an hour and weakened union rights on the job.

The scabs were not only brought into the plant through the back gate but were also guided through P40 picket lines by local cops. Several strikers were arrested.

Union members responded by beefing up the picket lines and calling on other unions in the area for help. The following day, auto workers, steelworkers, machinists, garment workers, and other UFCW members joined the lines.

January 22, 1962

ALBANY, Georgia—Forty Albany State College students were recently given indefinite suspensions for their participation in anti-segregation demonstrations here last month.

The suspended students and hundreds of other Albany Negroes had been arrested for taking part in mass civil-rights demonstrations following the Dec. 10 arrest of eleven Freedom Riders outside the Albany railroad terminal. Two additional students, SNCC [Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee] volunteer workers, had also been suspended after they were arrested for trying to use interstate facilities at the Albany Trailways bus station on Nov. 22.

Ten of the suspended students attempted on Jan. 9 to take out cards at the city’s Carnegie Library. They were refused and told to go to the Negro library which, they said, did not have the books they wanted.

January 23, 1937

SAN DIEGO—The Independent Agricultural Unions (Mexican, American and Filipino) of San Diego County are taking a strike vote this week in answer to the Growers’ refusal to negotiate further for an agreement for the harvest of the celery crop and other vegetables grown in the county. The Celery Growers, fearful of the recent organizational drive initiated by the unions, have announced that they intend to initiate the bonus system in the fields, attempting to disguise it by calling it a 5-cent raise.

The bonus system has proven one of the most vicious of the California Growers’ weapons. Like all bonus systems it is used to hold a club over the workers’ head in order to keep him in line and to prevent him from going out on strike. It was against this vicious system that the Citrus Workers in Orange County struck last year.  
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