Vol. 76/No. 31 August 20, 2012
August 28, 1987
In a signal victory for democratic rights, a federal judge has issued an injunction barring the FBI and other government agencies from using illegally obtained information about the Socialist Workers Party and Young Socialist Alliance.The order, made public August 20 by Judge Thomas Griesa, bars use of information obtained by government informers or by government burglaries of SWP or YSA offices.
The order also includes the stipulation that names of members and supporters of the SWP and YSA in the hands of the government shall be presumed to have been illegally obtained since neither organization makes such information public. The injunction was won in a suit by the SWP and YSA against the attorney general, the FBI, and other government agencies.
August 27, 1962
ALBANY, Ga.—The sustained movement against segregation by Negroes here continues to build up pressure on the racist city officials. The threat of continued mass demonstrations finally forced the U.S. Department of Justice into token intervention on behalf of civil rights. And a revival of sit-in tactics by the integrationists has put the Albany police in the position of having shut down the city’s two public libraries and three public parks to prevent their desegregation.The spirit of the civil-rights fighters is kept up by almost nightly mass meetings sponsored by the Albany Movement, the coalition of integration groups which has led the protests here since they began last December. From 1,500 to 2,000 persons attend these meetings. Simultaneous meetings take place outside in the warm night air.
August 21, 1937
Goaded by an internal economic crisis that has become intolerably acute, Japanese imperialism has struck again at continental China in a desperate effort to find a way out by establishing its mastery over all Asia. Coming late upon the scene of the capitalist world and lacking the natural resources vital to the development of the basic industries, Japanese capitalism found it necessary to embark upon the path of imperialist expansion. The Japanese bourgeoisie has been depending on the exploitation of China to bolster up the frail economic structure on which Japanese capitalism rests.Japanese capitalism has not the resources to make concessions to the workers. At the same time that an intense campaign of pro-war propaganda was launched, strikes were prohibited.