Vol. 76/No. 37 October 15, 2012
The potential to win more and more workers, youth and others to support the fight to free Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, and René González—and the Cuban Revolution they were acting to protect—is greater than ever today.
The assault on the wages, working conditions, job prospects, rights, freedom and very dignity of working people makes them more open to challenging the U.S. government’s unremitting hostility toward Cuba and more able to identify with the fight against Washington’s frame-up and treatment of the five.
The Cuban men and women who made the revolution, and the younger generations who today join them in defending and fighting to advance it, refuse to bend their knees to U.S. imperialism.
The five came to the U.S. to monitor counterrevolutionary Cuban-American groups that have a decades-long record of carrying out assaults on Cuba and supporters of Cuba’s socialist revolution. For this “crime” they remain steadfastly unrepentant.
The revolutionary course of Cuba’s toilers is an example for workers and farmers worldwide—in standing up to the ravages of the capitalist exploiters, building a movement to wrest political power out of the bosses’ hands, and gaining confidence in our capacities to transform ourselves and all of society through struggle.
By no choice of their own the Cuban Five, as they are known internationally, are on the front lines of the class struggle in the U.S. today. Railroaded to prison by the U.S. rulers, they join the 2.3 million workers currently jailed and nearly 5 million more on probation or parole, disproportionately Black, who have been run through the “capitalist justice system.”
The road to freedom for the five is through a relentless campaign to expand knowledge of and support for their fight. As the rulers deepen their assaults on working people across the globe over the coming years, they will fuel resistance that can change the relationship of class forces. These battles will build what Gerardo Hernández rightly described as the “jury of millions that will make our truth be known.”
The Militant is organizing a big campaign for readers to go out and win new subscribers to the paper, along with selling at discounted prices four books by Pathfinder Press, including The Cuban Five: Who They Are, Why They Were Framed, Why They Should Be Free and Women in Cuba: The Making of a Revolution Within the Revolution.
Join in this campaign and help the Militant advance the defense of the Cuban Revolution and the Cuban Five.
Related articles:
Three-day Toronto tribunal: ‘Free the Cuban Five now!’
Who are the Cuban Five
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