Vol. 76/No. 46 December 17, 2012
News articles
Actions across Egypt protest gov’t anti-democratic moves
Islamists countermobilize, defend president’s declared powers
Locked-out sugar workers reject contract 4th time by 55%
Last week of ‘Militant’ drive was best so far, 12 days to go!
‘Workers need own party,’ say socialist candidates in Omaha
Bangladesh factory fire sparks garment workers’ fight for safety
Cuban workers, backed by their government, rebuild after Sandy
Workers power ensures no one left to fend for themselves
‘Making of a Revolution Within the Revolution’
Revolutionary books sell at conference on Mideast studies
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‘Pleased to learn about movement,’ says first-time contributor in Omaha
US-Australia summit discusses deepening alliance against China
SWP LA mayoral candidate on ballot
Supreme Court hears challenge to Texas affirmative action program
Chicago cop torture victims ‘should be out of jail already’
Australia protests denounce use of Tasers by cops
25, 50 and 75 years ago
Texas flour mill strikers solid after 19 months on picket line
ILWU clerks in Calif. sign pact after 8-day strike
Locked-out metal workers in Quebec reject company’s latest contract offer
Texas protests slam cop killing of 2 immigrants
Actions announced to back fight to free Puerto Rican political prisoner
SWP files to keep exemption from gov’t ‘disclosure’ laws
Ohio anarchists framed up on ‘terrorist’ charges
Another round of sanctions on Iran moves through Congress
Nurses in Israel strike over wages, work conditions
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UN votes ‘observer state’ status to occupied territories
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