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Vol. 77/No. 13      April 8, 2013

Welcome to our new readers
(front page)
Dear readers,

The Militant is extending a warm welcome to the 1,924 people who subscribed to the socialist newsweekly for the first time or renewed their subscription over the five weeks of the just completed successful international circulation campaign.

The majority subscribed when readers of the paper stopped by their door in working-class neighborhoods in cities, towns and rural areas across the United States and elsewhere, from Australia and New Zealand to Canada and the United Kingdom.

A number of new subscribers were introduced to the paper on picket lines and labor rallies as part of battles against the boss and government attacks on wages, working conditions, union protections and our very dignity. Among them were school bus workers in New York; longshore workers on the East, West and Gulf coasts; food warehouse workers in Washington state; hotel workers in Quebec. Others signed up at social protest actions from fights against police brutality to demonstrations for rights of immigrants.

Twenty subscribers during the campaign are workers behind bars—not only among the more than 2 million locked up in the United States, but also in New Zealand. Bringing the Militant’s fighting working-class perspective to readers in prison was made possible by contributions from readers to the Militant Prisoners’ Fund, and what money inmates are able to put together. The paper gets read and discussed, these subscribers remind us from time to time, by many fellow inmates in study groups and informal settings.

Hundreds also bought copies of books on revolutionary working-class politics offered at reduced prices with a subscription. These offers are still valid and I urge you to take advantage of them to get other titles. (See ad below.)

The Militant explains the roots of the capitalist crisis, why the bosses won’t stop attacking us, and why workers, along with farmers and other allies, need to build a revolutionary movement of millions to take political power out of the hands of the capitalist class and begin reorganizing society to meet the needs of the toiling majority.

The 2013 winter campaign is over. But the effort to expand the working-class readership of the paper continues.

“Following the recently completed drive, supporters of the Militant in Los Angeles had a good weekend of activities,” wrote Arlene Rubinstein.

These Militant supporters, she said, joined two United Farmworkers actions in Coachella Valley and Oxnard, as well as a protest by postal workers in Los Angeles, selling a total of 17 subscriptions and four books.

Introduce the paper to your friends, relatives and fellow workers. You can call distributors in your area (see directory on page 6). Or order a bundle at or (212) 244-4899. And be sure to renew your subscription before it runs out!

In solidarity,
Louis Martin
Circulation director  
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