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Vol. 77/No. 17        May 6, 2013


Militant Labor Forums

Des Moines
Legalization for All Immigrants Now!

Speaker: Margaret Trowe, Socialist Workers Party candidate for Des Moines City Council.
Fri., May 3, 7:30 p.m.
3707 Douglas Ave.
Tel.: (515) 707-1779.

Defend Workers Rights! Oppose Attacks on Constitutional Protections and Political Space.

Speaker: Michael Fitzsimmons, SWP candidate for mayor of Houston.
Fri., May 3, 7:30 p.m.
4800 W. 34th St., Suite C-50L.
Tel.: (713) 688-4919.

Election of New Pope and Attempts to Increase the Church’s Political Influence:
What Does It Mean for Working People?

Speaker: Dag Tirsén, Communist League.
Sat., May 4, 6 p.m.
Room 301, Hilton House, 26-28 Hilton St., M1 2EH.
Tel.: (016) 1478-2496.

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