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Vol. 77/No. 25      July 1, 2013

Best week in contributions
to Militant Fighting Fund


The Militant received more than $18,000 for the Militant Fighting Fund — the best week so far.

Jean Bernard, a long-term subscriber in Brooklyn, donated $200 to the fund when he was contacted by Tamar Rosenfeld, who is organizing the effort in New York.

“I always read the Militant,” Bernard told her. “I appreciate the information from around the world. It touches base on every aspect, you don’t leave anything out. The fight always continues.”

New York has taken a goal of 50 new contributors to the fund. So far 38 have donated.

“In response to meetings, phone calls and letters, one Militant subscriber donated $100 for the first time, another $30, and several others made contributions ranging from $10 to 45,” wrote Rosenfeld. “These are contributions from people who read the paper and value it, and when asked to support the Militant financially, are glad to do so.”

From Los Angeles Ellie García wrote, “Supporters of the Militant have a goal of winning 20 first-time contributors. So far 16 have contributed a total of $115, including six workers who recently subscribed when Militant supporters came to their door. One of these workers came to a Militant Labor Forum.”

The fund is being organized as an integral part of the subscription campaign. Both have been extended for one week through July 2. Fund contributions received in New York by July 9 will be counted on the final scoreboard.

More than $2,000 was collected June 15 at a public meeting organized to raise money for the fund that was held at the Bethany United Church of Christ in Seattle. Next week’s article will include coverage of that event.

To contribute, contact distributors listed on page 8, or send a check or money order made out to the Militant, 306 W. 37th St., 10th Floor, New York, NY 10018.
Related articles:
Militant Fighting Fund May 4 – July 2 (week 5) (chart)
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