Vol. 77/No. 30 August 19, 2013
Cubans celebrate 60th anniversary of July 26 assault |
Fernanda Le Marie/Cancilleria del Ecuador
“This will continue to be the socialist revolution of the humble by the humble and for the humble,” Cuban President Raúl Castro told more than 10,000 people in Santiago de Cuba July 26 celebrating the 60th anniversary of the opening of the revolutionary fight to overthrow the U.S.-backed dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista.
The July 26, 1953, bold assaults led by Fidel Castro on the Moncada barracks in Santiago and the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks in Bayamo were an attempt to “storm the heavens,” Raúl Castro said. The revolutionaries failed in their objective to take the garrisons and spark a mass revolutionary insurrection; more than 50 of the young combatants were captured, tortured and murdered by Batista’s forces. “But exactly five years, five months and five days later, on Jan. 1, 1959, we were passing through the main entrance of the city to demand the unconditional surrender of the garrison there, made up of more than 5,000 men.” The celebration was attended by the heads of state or high-ranking government officials from Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Dominica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, St. Lucia, Venezuela, and Uruguay. In brief speeches several spoke about the interconnected legacy and ties among the nations of the Caribbean and the deep social and political impact the 1959 Cuban Revolution had on the region. Government representatives also highlighted the role revolutionary Cuba has played in standing up to U.S. imperialism and in providing medical aid and other assistance to Latin America, the Caribbean and other semicolonial countries around the world. — SETH GALINSKY Related articles: Cuba solidarity conference held in Caracas, Venezuela Discusses fight against US imperialist domination, stepping-up international campaign to free Cuban 5 Cuba’s internationalist solidarity: from Venezuela to Colombia to Haiti NY event commemorates opening of Cuban Revolution Front page (for this issue) | Home | Text-version home |