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Vol. 77/No. 35      October 7, 2013


‘For the struggle’

I’m incarcerated and a friend gave me your paper to read and I’m definitely feeling it. Your movement is for the struggle. Moreover, I was told it’s no cost to prisoners to receive your paper which I find hard to believe because it’s way better than USA Today.

A prisoner

John Lewis 1963 speech

Thanks for publishing the censored sentences in John Lewis’ speech to the historic 1963 March on Washington, specifically his criticism of President John Kennedy for wanting to derail the movement and Lewis’ call for a march through the South. You suggest, however, that his criticism of the Democratic Party was also censored. The original transcript did include those sentences. Charles Euchner’s book Nobody Turn Me Around: A People’s History of the 1963 March on Washington provides valuable details.

August Nimtz
Minneapolis, Minn.  
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