Vol. 77/No. 37 October 21, 2013
Militant Labor Forums
FBI Uses Kenya Shooting to Widen Assault on Workers Rights —
‘Terror’ Probes Target Somalis in Minneapolis
Speaker: Frank Forrestal, Socialist Workers Party
Sat., Oct. 12, 7 p.m.
Fraud of Health Care Reform Under Capitalism:
Why Workers Should Fight for Free Health Care
from Cradle to Grave
Speaker: Ilona Gersh, Socialist Workers Party
Fri., Oct. 18, 7:30 p.m.
Both events at 806 W. Washington Blvd., Room 202
Tel.: (312) 455-0111
Des Moines
Why Workers Need Health Care, Not Health Insurance
Speaker: Margaret Trowe, Socialist Workers Party candidate
for Des Moines City Council
Fri., Oct. 11, 7:30 p.m.
3707 Douglas Ave.
Tel.: (515) 707-1779
U.S. Gov’t Political Police Use Kenya Shooting
to Widen Assault on Political Rights:
‘Terror’ Probes Target Somalis in Minneapolis
Speaker: Tom Fiske, Socialist Workers Party
Fri., Oct. 18. Dinner, 6 p.m.; program, 7:30 p.m.
Free Oscar López, Puerto Rican Independence Fighter
in U.S. Jailed for 32 Years!
Program with former Puerto Rican political prisoners
Luis Rosa, Ricardo Jiménez, Elizam Escobar,
and Adolfo Matos Antongiorgi; Lourdes Lugo, niece of Oscar López;
representative of Socialist Workers Party
Fri., Oct. 25. Dinner, 6 p.m.; program, 7:30 p.m.
Both events at 307 W. 36th St., 10th floor (use north set of elevators)
Tel.: (212) 629-6649
Back Fights of Syrian Toilers! No to U.S. War Threats!
Speaker: Felicity Coggan, Communist League
Fri., Oct. 18, 7 p.m.
Donation: $5 waged, $2 unwaged
4/125 Grafton Road
Tel.: (09) 369-1223