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Vol. 77/No. 40      November 11, 2013

Support Socialist Workers Party,
contribute to Party-Building Fund
As the chart shows, local quotas adopted for the Socialist Workers Party fund drive exceed the $100,000 target.

The fund is a way readers can support the party as it responds to the openness among working people to communist politics and the need for a revolutionary fighting course to confront growing assaults by the bosses and their government on our living standards, unions, rights and very dignity.

Socialist Workers Party branches are looking to win new contributors as they sign up readers to the Militant and sell Pathfinder books during the subscription campaign that runs concurrent with the fund drive.

Helen Myers reports from Des Moines, Iowa, on a recent visit with a Militant subscriber. After discussing the speedup at his plant, and the ongoing obstacles imposed on immigrant workers to live and work in the United States, he renewed his subscription for a second time and gave $10 to the Party-Building Fund.

San Francisco has received two first-time donations out of a goal of 30 new contributors, reports Joel Britton. One came at a meeting of owner-operator truckers, where Socialist Workers campaigners went to talk with drivers and sell the Militant. A trucker kicked in $4 for the fund, saying that he knew we supported the paper through our own efforts and he wanted us to keep up the good work.

During the first week of the drive, $4,815 has been collected. Local areas need to make plans to increase the pace of collections to get on schedule. Payments need to reach the SWP National Office by Monday to be reflected in the weekly scoreboard.

Militant readers and supporters can send contributions to the SWP office nearest you (see directory on page 8) or directly to the SWP National Office at 306 W. 37th St., 10th floor, New York, NY 10018.
Related articles:
Party-Building Fund Week 1 of 9
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