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Vol. 77/No. 41      November 18, 2013


Staff assaults inmate

Recently I witnessed prison staff brutally assault a prisoner. He is known to be mentally ill and takes several different psychotropic medications.

When the prison’s Extraction Team, informally known as “Orange Crush,” was called in to forcibly remove him from his cell, they pepper sprayed him three times. Then the prisoner was handcuffed and shackled. After that he was maced a fourth time at point blank range and frog-marched down the gallery and out of the cell house.

The prisoner did not once threaten to harm himself or anybody else. All he did was refuse to throw away a milk carton.

In solidarity and struggle,

A prisoner


Cover Militant Labor Forums

One of my strongest desires is to attend a Militant Labor Forum (among the MLFers — as Malcolm X would say). I believe I’m correct in assuming that MLFs are open to the public. As I believe they are used as centers of education for workers, why does the Militant not cover the wide-ranging topics presented at the forums? Would it be possible to dedicate, if only periodically, a portion of the paper to the discussions and talks heard at these forums as there are spaces reserved for “On the Picket Line” and “Books of the Month.”

A prisoner

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