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Vol. 78/No. 11      March 24, 2014

‘Glad to pass bosses’ bribe
to communist movement’

“At a huge international agricultural implements manufacturer, which makes combines in the Omaha area, we were called together to get a gift card this week as a ‘thank you’ for ‘working so hard’ and ‘doing a great job and putting in a lot of hours.’ I’m glad to be passing it into the hands of the communist movement,” wrote Rebecca Williamson from Omaha, Neb., in a Feb. 15 note she sent in with a check for $50.

From Jan. 24 to Feb. 24, 19 workers donated a total of $1,347 to the Socialist Workers Party Capital Fund in “blood money” contributions — from company gift cards and so-called bonuses, such as “profit-sharing,” attendance and no reported injuries. These bribes doled out by bosses to get us to accept wage cuts, dangerous working conditions, concession contracts and speedup were turned over to help build the communist movement.

“Our crew puts together about two to two-and-a-half engines per day and is notorious for having 10 hours endlessly,” Williamson wrote. “While it’s optional, the pressure is that you’re putting it on your co-workers to make up the slack since the bosses won’t replace you or adjust production schedules. We took the $50 gift card as a crumb to keep us plowing on 10-hour days. It had zero effect on workers’ morale.”

To contribute to the long-range work of the party by making a blood money donation to the Capital Fund, contact a distributor on page 6.


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