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Vol. 78/No. 13      April 7, 2014

25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

April 7, 1989

Exxon’s tanker operations off the Alaska coast were an environmental disaster waiting to happen. And on March 24, when a giant oil spill took place, it did.

As recently as a month ago Exxon and other companies that own the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline assured concerned fishers and environmentalists they had a cleanup plan that could contain a major spill within five hours of a rupture.

More than 11 million gallons of crude oil have already poured into southern Alaskan waters, and there is the continuing danger that the reef-stranded Exxon Valdez may break up completely.

Exxon officials, and the media, were quick to try to pin the blame on the crew. Four days after the spill, an Exxon official admitted that with the equipment available, it was impossible to contain it.

April 6, 1964

One of the lies spread in the U.S. about the Cuban Revolution is that the Castro government has suppressed freedom of religion. The latest refutation of the lie is contained in a dispatch from Havana by Juan de Onis to the March 29 New York Times. It reads in part:

“HAVANA, March 28 — Roman Catholic Churches have been thronged since Thursday. The Ministry of Labor declared a two-day holiday out of respect for traditions and the principle of the religious idea.

“At the Jewish Community Center, a Passover supper was served last night for 200 persons from the four congregations in Havana. Food is tightly rationed in Cuba, but the government ordered special quotas of chickens, eggs and cooking oil so that all Jews might celebrate Passover.”

April 4, 1939

When the Generals and the bosses sit down together to lay plans for another war to save “democracy” and prepare to protect the financial interests of America’s “60 Families” in Europe or South America or the Far East, they immediately take stock of the available cannon-fodder.

Without large numbers of men and boys who will bear the brunt of the fighting, to receive the bayonets through their stomachs and fill their lungs with poison gas, a war could not be successful.

And the 15,000,000 unemployed workers and youth of America have not been overlooked — in fact they are already the very first consideration in the plans to throw this country into another world slaughter.

The entire relief and W.P.A. administration is now in the hands of the Army.  
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