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Vol. 78/No. 16      April 28, 2014

Paper ‘opened my eyes’
I have seen your paper and it has opened my eyes. Your paper is somewhat a relief that something is being done and is making sure the people see all sides of what is going on. Can you start sending me the Militant and keep me further enlightened? I promise to spread your message and paper.

A prisoner

Appreciates ‘Militant’
Thank you for continuing my free subscription. I greatly appreciate it. The news in these papers are very important to me and the comrades with whom I share it. I wish I could send something or do something to help but we have no money.

A prisoner

Caste system still exists
In the article “Israel Boycott Weakens Fights of Palestinians, workers” in the Jan. 27 issue, I noticed the word “pariah” was used. I don’t think it is appropriate to use this word in the Militant because unlike many other words which lose their original meaning, pariah is not one of them.

Pariah derives from the Tamil language in south India and is still used today by those who uphold the caste system to refer to people they categorize as being in the lowest caste.

Despite it being outlawed in India, the caste system still exists in practice today, including in countries such as Malaysia and Singapore.

Baskaran Appu
Auckland, New Zealand  
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