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Vol. 78/No. 29      August 11, 2014

Rally in Greece protests
ultra-rightist Golden Dawn

Stelios Matsagos
MAROUSI, Greece — More than 1,000 people marched July 24 to protest the ultra-rightist Golden Dawn party, which recently opened an office in this northern Athens suburb of 72,000. Chanting, “Not in Marousi, not anywhere, chase the fascist out of every neighborhood!” the demonstration wound through the center of town, but refrained from approaching Golden Dawn’s office, which was protected by a large force of police in riot gear.

During municipal elections in May, “they beat up two observers from left-wing parties leaving the polling station in nearby Kifisia,” said Vagelis Gonatas, 53, who was assaulted and threatened by Golden Dawn thugs July 23 while distributing flyers for the march. “On July 11 they inaugurated a headquarters here. That day people began to organize out of the teachers’ union hall.”

The fascists responded to the march with a flyer declaring Golden Dawn as “the only force opposed to the current Greek regime run by agents of Germany,” and accused march organizers of being “agents of international money lenders” who “seek to terrorize every Greek citizen who wishes to fight and remain free.”

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