Vol. 79/No. 12 April 6, 2015
The Militant is also preparing to launch the 2015 Militant Fighting Fund to raise money to help meet the paper’s operating budget. The fund will run concurrently with the drive to expand the Militant’s circulation.
In preparation, distributors of the Militant across the U.S. and around the world are stepping up efforts to take the paper to those involved in labor and social protests and door-to-door sales in a broad spectrum of working-class areas.
Militant supporters in Miami regularly sell the paper to members of the International Longshoremen’s Association at their hiring hall on Saturday mornings, reports Anthony Dutrow.
Rodney Brown, a longtime member of ILA Local 1416, stopped by to ask about Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent speech to Congress. Dutrow showed him the Militant article on the talk and pointed to coverage on the nationwide strike of United Steelworkers-organized oil refinery workers.
“I’ll be right back to get a subscription,” Brown said, returning to the union hall to get his job assignment.
“I had to stop by your table today,” Brown said when he returned to fill out a subscription blank. “What you have deals with unions around the world, not just in this country.”
“This fight for the $15 an hour minimum wage and a union is the fight of the whole labor movement, union and nonunion,” he added. “We are one movement.”
Dutrow and Chuck Guerra later knocked on doors in a the working-class suburb of Opa-Locka and sold two more subscriptions.
Two members of International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 19 in Seattle picked up subscriptions outside their hiring hall March 21.
At a meeting the following day of a workers assembly of El Comité, a Latino rights organization in Seattle that is helping to build a May Day march there, three workers bought Militant subscriptions.
Participants in the Railroad Workers United-sponsored conference on “The Future of Railroads: Safety, Workers, Community and the Environment” in Olympia, Washington, March 21 also expressed interest in the paper’s coverage and eight bought subscriptions. One was a rail worker and member of SMART, and another a dockworker, member of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 4 in Vancouver, Washington.
Participants also bought 10 Pathfinder books, including Malcolm X, Black Liberation, and the Road to Workers Power by Jack Barnes, Socialist Workers Party national secretary; Mother Jones Speaks; and New International no. 14, which includes “The Stewardship of Nature Also Falls to the Working Class.”
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