Vol. 79/No. 16 May 4, 2015
Boston. “Our struggle, our voice.” 4 p.m. feeder marches from Chelsea, East Boston, Revere and Everett will march to Glendale Park in Everett for 5:30 p.m. rally. Sponsor: May 1st Coalition. For information call (617) 889-6080.
Hightstown, New Jersey. Sat., May 2, rally at 2 p.m. at Memorial Park. March at 4 p.m. Sponsor: Unidad Latina en Acción NJ. For information call (203) 278-2729.
Milwaukee. Solidarity March, 11 a.m. 1027 S. Fifth St. Sponsor: Voces de la Frontera, Youth Empowered in the Struggle.
Oakland, California. “Stop Police Terror!” 9 a.m. rally at Port of Oakland, APL gate near berth 62. Noon rally at Frank Ogawa (Oscar Grant) Plaza, downtown Oakland. (International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 10 plans a stop-work meeting to attend.)
Seattle. Annual May Day March for Immigrant and Workers Rights. Rally at 2 p.m. at Judkins Park. March at 3 p.m. to Federal Courthouse, 700 Stewart St. Sponsor: El Comité, May 1st Action Coalition.
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