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Vol. 79/No. 23      June 22, 2015


Join us for an
Active Workers Conference

Oberlin, Ohio, June 18-20

Political Report by SWP National Secretary Jack Barnes

The Cuban Revolution: Leveraging the Victory, the Battle Goes On by Mary-Alice Waters

Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and U.S. Imperialism: Class Politics in the Middle East Today

Washington, Ukraine and the Putin Regime’s Fight to Maintain Russia’s “Near Abroad” — The Stakes for Working People

How a Bolshevik Nucleus Leaves a Semi-sectarian Existence Behind on the Road to a Proletarian Party of Mass Action: Lessons from Teamster Politics on Party Building, Revolutionary Centralism and the Fight for Workers Power

Cuba: Building on a Victory Over U.S. Imperialism; Organizing to Emulate and Defend Cuba’s Socialist Revolution

Sponsored by the Socialist Workers Party
For more information contact the SWP in your area (see list on page 8)  
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