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Vol. 79/No. 26      July 27, 2015

25, 50, and 75 Years Ago

July 27, 1990

ZILLAH, Washington — “A contract is our goal,” said Carlos, one of 40 milkers on strike at the Cow Palace/Springer One dairy farm here.

“They are the biggest and worst paying in the state,” said Pablo. With over 4,000 cows, the dairy farm is the fourth largest in the United States.

“He hasn’t given a raise in 10 years,” said Javier, a young worker. “In fact, he’s cut wages.”

Several workers explained that they are not just fighting for a raise, but “so everyone is paid equally.”

The strike began on July 6. More than two months earlier the workers began to organize themselves and went to the United Farm Workers of Washington State for aid. When the owners refused to negotiate, the strike began.

July 26, 1965

JULY 20 — The Deacons of Defense and Justice in Bogalusa, La., a Negro self-defense organization, are facing increasing harassment, arrests, and moves by state police to disarm them while the civil rights workers they have sworn to protect continue to suffer physical attacks from whites under the very noses of local and state cops.

Joe Gatlin, 26, a Bogalusa Negro resident, was booked by police on charges of “attempted murder.” Police, who claim he is a member of the Deacons, say he fired shots at a carload of white nightriders. There were no injuries. It is not illegal in Louisiana to carry guns in autos, and Klansmen in the area do so as a matter of course. Governor John J. McKeithen has announced that state troopers will disarm Negroes in cars and confiscate their guns.

July 27, 1940

DETROIT, Mich. — The top leadership of the United Automobile Workers of America will submit a detailed report on its activities and the progress of the organization to the national convention of the union.

An honest and forthright report would have to admit that the union has made absolutely no progress in its organizational work; that the organization drives on Ford, the aircraft industry and the competitive parts plants were total flops. It would have to admit that the leadership sabotaged and side-tracked the necessary fight for the 30 hour week at 40 hours pay; and it would record that the top leaders today have jumped on the bandwagon of the Morgan-Dupont National Defense Council and are conducting themselves as recruiting sergeants for the Wall Street war machine.  
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