Vol. 79/No. 27 August 3, 2015
News articles
SWP candidates campaign for $15/hour, unionization
Call for labor party based on the unions
Cuba opens DC embassy, presses call to lift embargo
US-Iran deal heightens contradictions in Mideast
Fight against cop brutality grows in year since Eric Garner was killed
From Ukraine to Baltics, Moscow seeks to extend sphere of influence
‘Blockade must be lifted, Guantánamo returned’
Speech by Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez on reopening of Cuban Embassy in US after 54 years
Calif.: ‘Join monthly protests against solitary confinement’
Montreal: ‘Don’t deport Haitians, Zimbabweans’
Malcolm X: revolutionary leader of the working class
Fatal factory blasts highlight UK bosses’ drive for profits
L.A. port truck drivers strike to expand union
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Pope visits Latin America, appeals to poor, oppressed
NY picket: ‘Stop attacks on workers in Puerto Rico!’
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Drop charges against Harding now!
United flight attendants hold international day of action
Seattle hospital workers demand more nurses per patient
Washington farm workers union marches to demand contract
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