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Vol. 79/No. 37      October 19, 2015

Prisoners treated like animals
I have a son in the state prison in Beeville, Texas. He was sent there in July this year. Not only is there no air conditioning — not even a fan — in the cells, sometimes there’s no lights and they keep them locked up with an unbearable temperature that can exceed 120 degrees.

The food they serve has very little nutrition and what they sell them is the same; in many cases they can’t even buy canned vegetables, juices or essential food items.

The good products are few and they run out quickly. I think there should be an investigation and news report about this. They are treated like animals without any basic human rights.

I want to help all the men and women who are locked up and denied their constitutional and human rights.
Isabel Antonio
Houston, Texas

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I enjoy reading the Militant and all the subjects it touches on. Thank you for notifying me that my subscription was about to expire and offering a six-month complimentary subscription for those of us who can’t afford to pay. Please send me information about your rates so I can mail it to my cousin and see if she will sign me up for a year subscription as a Christmas gift.
A prisoner
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