Vol. 79/No. 38 October 26, 2015
‘Open’ borders closed
To have borders between European countries “open,” the Schengen agreement [the passport-free zone in Europe] moves the borders to every street inside the countries. The Swedish social democratic government gives a green light to the cops to arrest immigrants who haven’t registered for or been denied asylum.
When 60 stateless Palestinians recently camped outside the Migration Office in Malmö demanding asylum, the cops moved in and tore down their tents.
Lasse Erlandsson
Stockholm, Sweden
Finally out of solitary
I’m writing to let you know I’ve moved out of the SHU [Security Housing Unit]. Finally! So please change my address.
I also wanted to commend you on providing your newspaper during the nine years of SHU torture that I endured. Through papers like yours I drew strength to get through solitary confinement. Continue your work of providing a revolutionary perspective to what we experience living under U.S. imperialism.
A prisoner
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