Vol. 79/No. 42 November 23, 2015
News articles
‘$15 and a union’ protests mobilize in over 270 cities
Unions, opponents of cop brutality join actions
‘Lift the US blockade!’ Cuban leaders say in NY, DC
Thank you for help in Socialist Workers Party sales, fund drive
SWP campaign in Philadelphia: ‘We won because we built the party’
Turkish gov’t makes election gains on brutal attacks on Kurds
L.A. port drivers strike again: ‘We’re workers, not owners!’
California Cartage warehouse workers carry out second strike
Farmworkers push back union decertification in California
Victory over racist harassment at U of Missouri
(photo box)
Pakistan factory collapses as bosses ignore worker protests
Do 2015 election results show workers moving to the right?
Gov’t says ‘recovery’ as layoffs high, wages low
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