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Vol. 79/No. 45      December 14, 2015




Attacks on refugees in Norway

The situation with refugees arriving in Norway is dominating the news here. The Labor Party is closely collaborating with the Conservatives to attack a range of rules regulating rights of asylum seekers and refugees. Among those announced Nov. 9 was ending direct cash payments to those approved for asylum and starting a food stamp program in its place. They are doing everything they can to portray thousands of people arriving here as a threat to welfare and retirement benefits for “Norwegians.”
Greg McCartan
Oslo, Norway

‘Militant’ very special

The Militant is very special to me. It gives me a lot of information and is also my English teacher since I am Hispanic from Cuba.
A prisoner

More about Puerto Rico
I would like to read more about the struggle that the people of Puerto Rico had with the United States, the history of abuse, massacres, slavery and the total imperialist domination of the people of my island.
A prisoner
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