Vol. 80/No. 5 February 8, 2016
News articles
Washington joins Tehran, Moscow to seek Syria truce
Socialist Workers Party: ‘Free the Hammonds!’
No to FBI killing, cop siege in Oregon!
Workers face ‘recession within a depression’
Poisoning of water in Flint reflects capitalists’ disdain for working class
Is it in workers’ interests for the UK to remain in the EU?
Prison labor is a window into workings of capitalism
Cuban 5: ‘In US prisons they aim to dehumanize you; in Cuba a prisoner is another human being’
Bronx rally protests anti-Muslim assault
(photo box)
Australian literacy program based on Cuban example
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Rally demands freedom for ‘Fort Dix Five’ prisoners
Alberta farm and ranch workers law stirs debate
Georgia cop indicted in killing of Anthony Hill
California protest: Reinstate fired McDonald’s worker!
Airport workers rally in nine cities for $15 on MLK Day
10,000 UK junior doctors strike against extension of hours
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