Vol. 80/No. 9 March 7, 2016
News articles
Washington, Moscow talk ‘truce’ as Syria slaughter grows
Woodfox is finally free after decades in solitary
Use victory to fight against prison barbarism!
Step up fight to end barbaric solitary!
Capitalist crisis breeds smoldering depression
Teamster airline mechanics say no to United’s concession demands
Cuba says, ‘Return Guantánamo!’ as Obama plays politics on prison
Book on US class struggle has ‘many lessons on battle against political repression’
Havana International Book Fair event presents ‘50 Years of Covert Operations in the US:
Washington’s Political Police and the American Working Class’
Government’s expanding ‘security state’ is hated by workers
Australia: Actions condemn ‘offshore’ refugee detention
New Zealand: Protect Maori land from developer!
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Join March 2 rally in DC to defend abortion access
Calif. cop who killed Andrew Thomas charged after protests
Washington, Beijing jockeying heats up in S. China Sea
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FBI demand to hack iPhone is part of attack on political rights
U.S. Steel contract freezes wages, ups health costs
Steelworkers at Quebec cement plant strike to defend pensions
Minneapolis janitors, union and nonunion, hold protest strikes
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