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Vol. 80/No. 14      April 11, 2016




Workers in China and U.S.
An article in the New York Times notes that the number of workers involved in labor struggles in China has doubled in the past year as more and more Chinese workers fight back against stepped-up closures of factories and mines by the government and private employers alike. Some of the laid-off workers have become full-time organizers trying to build independent labor unions.

A video attached to the article shows one such organizer, Wu Guijin, as he meets with groups of workers. A key organizing tool for Wu Gujin: a video of Harlan County USA, the award-winning 1976 movie documenting the struggle of striking coal miners and the United Mine Workers of America as they battled the coal companies in eastern Kentucky in the 1970s. The video shows Hazel Dickens leading the singing of “Which Side Are You On” and miners’ confrontations with the cops — all subtitled in Chinese.

The future of the labor movement — in the U.S. and China — all wrapped up in a single image!

Bob Braxton
Atlanta, Georgia

On wildlife refuges

I need to respond to Monica Adams’ letter in the March 28 Militant calling for more wildlife refuges. I take issue with her comment that “if the federal government has been buying up land in order to establish wildlife refuges, I am all for it.”

I grew up in rural central Pennsylvania surrounded by corn, wheat, oat, tomato, and hayfields along with fruit orchards. There were hog, chicken, dairy and beef farms. The vast majority of the residents in the area were Caucasian — including Mennonite and Amish families. Hunting was popular.

My African-American family along with others took advantage of visiting state parks and natural attractions. I grew up hiking, biking, swimming, canoeing, bird-watching and berry picking. Some of these pursuits I enjoy today.

I am simply appalled by the idea that the federal government should have the right to buy farms and ranches just to set up a wildlife refuge, thus forcing people from their right to pursue a living off the land. I find this idea wrong and reactionary.

Glova Scott
Washington, D.C.

Renew my subscription

Could you please renew your newspaper to me. I am also letting the inmates know about you guys. Thanks very much.

A prisoner
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