Vol. 80/No. 46 December 12, 2016
“We will go over,” wrote Ilona Gersh from Chicago. “This week’s payment includes four new contributors. Two we met going door to door talking about the 2016 elections and why the Socialist Workers Party is the working-class party. The other two we met at an event in solidarity with the Cuban Revolution.”
As we enter the final week, reports indicate pledges are now near or surpassing all of the local goals, and members of the SWP are organizing to collect contributions so that every area makes or exceeds their quota on time.
“We are within $60 of our goal in pledges,” Joanne Murphy in Washington reported Nov. 28. “We are working to get a few new contributors in addition to donations we continue to pick up as we campaign for the party. The small but important contributions we have gotten that way so far add up to $65.”
The annual party-building fund complements the weekly voluntary sustainers from SWP members and is vital to meeting the party’s budget. Local quotas are just shy of the $100,000 goal, so party branches across the country are working to go over their goals.
To help, contact the SWP in your area, listed here.
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