Vol. 80/No. 48 December 26, 2016
Guerrero, who is active in the fight for the rights of immigrant workers, is one of hundreds who helped take the fund over its goal, raising $103,300. Regular contributors to the annual effort gave generous contributions. There were also many first-time contributors who met the SWP when members knocked on their doors to introduce the party. Many of these contributors also bought books by party leaders Jack Barnes and Mary-Alice Waters, and decided to subscribe to the Militant.
“We got pledges from 11 new contributors and went over our goal,” wrote Ilona Gersh from Chicago. “Now we’re organizing to get back to people to discuss further why the SWP is their party and why they should join.”
In the final stretch of the drive the Cuban Revolution moved to the center of the discussions. Many workers took notice of the massive mobilizations by working people in Cuba in defense of their revolution after Fidel Castro’s death, and how that didn’t fit with the capitalist media’s picture of Cuba. They wanted to learn more about it.
The SWP is financed by contributions from working people. Along with weekly voluntary sustainers from its members, the party-building fund is a cornerstone of financing the work of the party to educate and organize the working class in the fight to abolish capitalism and join the worldwide struggle for socialism.
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