Vol. 81/No. 10 March 13, 2017
Fundraiser for Participants in 12th International Solidarity
Brigade to Cuba for May Day
Dinner and program, featuring film “Guantánamo Is Ours.”
Sat., March 11, 6 p.m. Donation: $10
Trinity Episcopal Church, 125 E. 26th St.
Sponsor: Chicago Cuba Coalition
Tel.: (312) 952-2618
Join the 12th May Day International Brigade to Cuba!
April 24 through May 8
Highlights include:
Havana May Day march; visits to Cienfuegos
& Villa Clara provinces; agricultural work;
meetings with Cuban mass organizations;
participate in the Fifth Seminar for Peace & for the Abolition
of Foreign Military Bases in Guantánamo; and more.
Cost of $512 includes room, board & transportation in Cuba.
Airfare from U.S. and Guantánamo seminar are extra.
Applications due March 30.
For information about how to apply contact: Chicago Cuba Coalition
call (312)952-2618 or email:
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