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Vol. 81/No. 14      April 10, 2017


25, 50 and 75 Years Ago


April 10, 1992

Tens of thousands of supporters of abortion rights will be marching April 5. This demonstration will be an important countermobilization to the unrelenting attacks by the government against a woman’s right to choose.

From the moment the ink was dry on the [Roe v. Wade] Supreme Court ruling, a woman’s right to choose has been under attack. The government’s hostility to the right to abortion has encouraged right-wing forces like Operation Rescue to blockade clinics. We need more and bigger actions at abortion clinics that are under threat, to counter the right–wing campaign.

Restricting abortion rights is part of the employers’ efforts to keep the second class status of women intact by taking away a woman’s most fundamental right — control over her own body.

April 10, 1967

The Political Bureau of the Venezuelan Communist Party bitterly denounced Fidel Castro for his March 13 speech about developments in Venezuela. It is a thoroughly devastating indictment of their reformist politics.

The speech represented a development of the revolutionary world view which the Cubans have been unfolding for the past several years, particularly in relation to the defense of the Vietnamese revolution.

The Cubans have insisted on the need to subordinate the differences existing within the socialist bloc to the united defense of the Vietnamese against U.S. imperialism. The Cubans have declared the need for extending the revolutionary struggle as the most effective means of defending the Vietnamese.

April 11, 1942

It was only by smashing the trade unions and lowering the living standards of the workers that Hitler was able to put German capitalism in a position to compete with other capitalist countries.

Britain refuses to differentiate between the Nazi ruling machine and the masses oppressed by that machine.

The German people hate Hitlerism, but they also hate the foreign capitalists who will try to make them pay the costs of their war. Overthrowing Hitler will be a tremendous task. One does not lightly undertake such a task unless one feels there is a chance for success.

Extend a hand of solidarity to the German workers and soldiers; promise support to them against the establishment of a new Versailles; offer assistance to them in overthrowing Hitlerism.  
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