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Vol. 81/No. 17      May 1, 2017


UK: Communist League speaks to African church

Militant/Caroline Bellamy

MANCHESTER, England — Communist League candidate Peter Clifford, above, speaking to 200 members of the congregation at the start of the Easter service April 16 at the Église En Mission, a predominantly African church in the Ardwick area here. A meat worker, Clifford is the party’s candidate for mayor of Greater Manchester and for the parliamentary seat in the Manchester Gorton constituency in the May 4 by-election. Clifford’s presentation was translated into French for the many participants from Congo.

Fidele Dasi Munsungu, this worker correspondent’s co-worker in an electronics factory, took the initiative to get Clifford invited.

“Our platform is to strengthen all workers so we can build a movement to replace capitalism, carry out a revolution like Cuban working people did,” Clifford said. “The League campaigns to build solidarity and unity among all workers, including by opposing all restrictions on jobs and rights facing immigrant workers.”

After the service many participants stopped by a table set up by party members in the lobby to check out the Militant, Pathfinder books and learn about the work of the Communist League. Munsungu encouraged people to talk with the League members.

“That was great, I want to join in,” one participant said. Two signed up for subscriptions and got Are They Rich Because They’re Smart? by Jack Barnes, national secretary of the Socialist Workers Party in the United States.


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