Vol. 81/No. 42 November 13, 2017
News articles
Workers still face social crisis 5 years after Sandy
Capitalism, not ‘climate,’ caused catastrophe
Vote Socialist Workers Party: Our party is your party!
‘What SWP says about the economy is really true’
Washington, Baghdad drive to prevent independent Kurdistan
Workers: Look to your class, not to your country!
‘Militant’ overturns Florida prison ban
Disaster for working people in Puerto Rico continues to unfold
Crimean Tatar leaders win release from Russian prison
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Chicago brigadistas report back from Cuba
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NY: Spectrum workers rally against union busting
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Immigrant teen wins fight over right to an abortion
Minneapolis: ‘Only SWP speaks for working class’
Communist League campaign: ‘Workers need to take power’
Rail bosses, gov’t responsible in 2013 Lac-Mégantic disaster
Madrid takes over in Catalonia, calls snap elections
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