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Vol. 81/No. 46      December 11, 2017


Volunteers make progress in putting ‘Militant’ online

For almost five years, supporters of the communist movement from around the world have been working together to make every volume of the Militant ever published available online through the Militant’s website. This effort has involved both scanning old copies of the paper and using digital copies from other online resources.

In both cases it meant creating PDF files of each issue that are attractive, easy to read, and whose headlines are searchable. This makes it possible to then create searchable indexes.

Creating an index takes substantially more time than making the PDF, but supporters are making important progress on this as well. Currently, every volume from the most recent back through the end of the 1980s has an index that can be searched on the website by subject, author or keywords. Eventually, every back issue of the paper will have such an index.

By the end of this year workers, youth and others looking to read and study the history of the Socialist Workers Party, the building of a world communist movement and to follow the development of working-class struggles, will be able to find every Militant volume from today back through the end of the 1940s. By the end of next year, every Militant volume ever printed will be available.

Having these issues online, in a form that can be easily accessed, read and searched, is an important contribution to making the revolutionary continuity of our movement available to a new generation of fighters.  
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